Bob Adams

Panama Wave's President and CEO is Bob Adams. Bob is a permanent resident of Panama and has promoted Panama through websites and publications globally. He has written on Panama's potential and other topics in articles for Barron's, the weekly partner publication to the Wall Street Journal, where he has been published on six occasions - a guest editorial and five articles on subjects as diverse as what he calls the “retirement bubble” and the relocation of Americans to nations all over the world. Mr. Adams is a member of the McKinsey Global Executive Panel and the Singularity Group’s global community. He received his BA in government from the University of Arizona shortly after the extinction of the dinosaur, and a Master of Professional Studies in International Development (MPS/ID) from Cornell University. The former CEO of an American corporation and a long-time economic analyst for international aid agencies, corporations, and private humanitarian agencies in more than 40 nations globally since 1967, Bob brings decades of field experience along with his skills of analysis and communication to his work at Panama Wave.